Weltweiter Marktf�hrer f�r selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen

Weltweiter Marktf�hrer f�r selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen

Partner von Winzern seit 1926

Marc and harvesting pumps H180 3C (EN)

Robust and proven by thousands of winemakers

Marc and harvesting pumps H180 3C. Cr�dits : ©alma-france.com 2016

From the grape harvest to wine tasting, all manipulations must be performed in the best conditions.

ALMA marc and harvesting pumps are of the screw-pump type, mounted on a undercarriage fitted with a brake.

A rotor turning in a stator in full stainless steel, conveys the harvested grape at a sonstant rate, limiting crushing without damaging the stalks.

ALMA pumps are factory-fitted with a contactor-cum-reverser with emergency stop and isolating switch, ensuring perfect safety.

Right and left sideways tilting hopper.

A stainless spherical-head quick coupling

Allows easy connection to the winery installation.

H180 3C has three-side-access hopper and a height-adjustable drawbar.

Overall size :  : L 1,63 m x W 0,75 m x H 0,72 m
Stainless hopper : 0,92 x 0,75 m
Hopper height above ground  : 0,50 m
Tilted hopper height : 0,29 m
Lift :
- Grapes  : 12 m
- Marc  : up to 8 m according to humidity
Horizontal delivery :
- Grapes 30 m and more
- Marc  : 25 m
Flow rate 20 tons in 25 m
Stator (food safe elastomer) : Ø 175 mm
Stainless rotor  : Ø 80 mm
Stainless worm Ø 160 mm
Pump rpm :  : 145 rpm
Pump outlet (spherical-head quick coupling)  : Ø 120 mm
Geared motor, three-phase 220/380 V : 7,5 hp
Empty weight  :190 kg :